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Monday, November 17, 2008


Monday, 8:00 AM. 23 degrees, wind W, calm at present but blustery earlier, and dime-sized snowflakes are drifting down. This is a repeat of yesterday morning except that the barometer predicts sunshine, which would be welcome.
After reading by the fire all yesterday afternoon, I got restless and Joan and I and Lucky drove out to see if there was any activity at one of my bait stations where a deer has been showing up just about dusk. Nothing. But driving back to Red Cliff on Hwy K a large, gray canine ran in front of the car, one fierce yellow eye glinting in the headlights. Too big to be a coyote, and definitely not a dog, with tail held high…a wolf! Not too surprising though, as this is not more than a mile from a pasture where several cows have been taken by wolves this past year.
Anyway, since today is my birthday, I thought it a good omen, one old lone wolf hailing another; this one at least getting pretty long in the tooth. The mountain ash berries are beautiful against the dark green of the jack pine. No candles on the birthday cake, though…we would have to have the volunteer firemen standing by.

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