Friday, 8:00 AM. 34 degrees, wind WNW, calm. The sky is overcast and the barometer predicts partly cloudy skies.
Lucky and I are going out to the Larsen sugar bush this morning to collect sap and help in general. I talked with Andy and Judy yesterday, the sap has been running heavily and they have been boiling trying to keep up with the run. Maple sap runs when the temperature goes below freezing at night and warms up in the morning. Sunshine helps the flow and wind for some reason can shut it down. It is all a rather mysterious process. Mutual friends Paul and Joanne Matthiae have been helping all week so I don’t feel too remiss.
I have new rubber boots to wear in the snow and slush today, courtesy of a raffle I won (first win of anything in a very long time, so maybe I am in for a run of good luck) at the Digger’s Hotline meeting the other evening. I took the $25 gift card to Walmart yesterday, and found good rubber boots, just like the one’s I used to wear in the sewer trenches fifty years ago, and by God they are American made, and were $7.00 less expensive than the Chinese boots next to them on the rack, and cost less than I would have paid a half century ago. Now if we could just get Detroit to compete like that our economic troubles would soon be over! I don’t think the U.S. government had anything to do with my new boots, either.
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