Wednesday, 7:00 AM. 33 degrees, wind W, light with gusts. The sky is mostly clear, but the barometer still predicts precipitation.
The sap run was heavy yesterday, I lugged 50 gallons of sap, which should make two quarts of syrup. By all accounts the sap shouldn’t have been running as it was 20 degrees, but it sure did. The how, when and why of maple sap flowing has many theories, but the variables are so numerous that no one theory seems to cover it. What is needed is a unified theory of maple sap, like a unified theory of physics. There might even be a Nobel prize for the sappy theorist, something appropriate perhaps, like a lifetime supply of buttermilk pancake mix.
The big old red maple pictured has attracted a piliated woodpecker, that either has found a mother load of grubs or is building a condominium. My guess is that he got an economic stimulus grant for the project, to reduce the avian unemployment rate.
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