Friday, 8:00 AM. 50 degrees, wind W, very light. The channel is glassy, the sky clear, and the barometer predicts partly cloudy skies. The wren in the apple tree is announcing to the world that it is a superb morning.
The lupines, Lupinus perennis, are in bloom everywhere, happily coinciding with the Bayfield in Bloom garden tours that take place tomorrow. I am taking the place signs around to the tour sites this morning. As I have commented before, it is unclear whether our lupines are truly native to the area or are naturalized, and this seems to bother some folks. They are native in the region, and also have long been cultivated, so there has been ample opportunity for their naturalization in fields and along roadsides. Anyway, they are native enough for me, and my advice is to enjoy them for what they are and what they give us, and not to fault them for what they may or may not be.
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