Thursday, 8:00 AM. 66 degrees, wind W, calm. The channel is calm. The sky is quite hazy and the barometer predicts rain.
Andy and Judy had a camp cookout last evening, a fish boil (whole whitefish, heads and all, potatoes, whole onions, all boiled, served with lots of melted butter). There were eight adults and three small children plus the two dogs. The usual suspects were there, plus neighbors whose daughter and kids are visiting from Alaska. She married a young Saudi man who had also attended the U of A, so the children are Saudi-American. He had to stay at home working. It is an unbelievably cosmopolitan world we live in, and events and cultures around the world touch our lives now, no mater where we live in America. We all had a fine time, and the children were a delight.
The ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ English hawthorn in Triangle Park is blooming beautifully, and the red buckeyes we planted last spring on Sixth Street are as well. How much poorer our lives would be if we only accepted the familiar, and did not welcome the exotic.
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