Saturday, 8:00 AM. 69 degrees, wind W, brisk. The sky s blue but hazy, the barometer predicts sunny skies. The channel is wrinkled and sailboats are scudding about under full sail. I suspect there may be a small craft warning this afternoon.
Andy, Judy (they are going back to Cedarburg for three weeks) and Myron came to dinner last evening, and we ate out on the porch for the first time this season. It is finally summer, right on schedule. It has been a wonderful spring.
The gardens look as nice as can be, everything blooming at once. I am quite pleased with the overall effect, and things have grown up to provide a great deal of privacy on a small city property. The landscape has “good bones.” Professional plans are a great tool, but the very best landscapes and gardens are those that have been carefully thought out, planted and tended over the years by an owner with a decent sense of esthetics. As we used to say at The New York Botanical Gardens, “the eye of the master is evident,” as it indeed it is in nature itself.
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