Thursday, 8:00 AM. 64 degrees, wind WNW, moderate with strong gusts. The channel is wrinkled, the sky mostly clear, and the barometer is trending down, predicting partly cloudy skies. It will be a warm day.
I collected ripe seed of fireweed for the condominium project yesterday. Epilobium angustifolium, in the evening primrose family, is also called great willow-herb because of its willow-like leaves. It is a circumboreal species, growing in Eurasia as well as North America. I was amazed and amused by the copious, milkweed-like seed heads, which I had a hard time keeping from blowing away. The back of the truck may sprout fireweed from dirt filed corners next spring. I finally got a fair amount distributed where I wanted them, even if a lot of it went “blowin’ in the wind.”
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