Saturday, 8:00 AM. 60 degrees, wind W, calm. The channel and Island are mostly obscured by fog, but the barometer predicts sunny weather. Except for birdsong and a boat motor or two it is a very quiet morning.
I am nursing a sore foot so had to walk quite slowly this morning, which allowed me to get very close to a magnificent pileated woodpecker looking for grubs on an old telephone pole. I watched him for several minutes before he uttered his characteristic high pitched trill and flew off.
Judy Larsen is a weaver, and when in camp sets up her loom in a screen tent in the woods. She has been trying to weave scarves to sell, but a fashion conscious bear has taken a liking to her work (note the claw holes Judy has her hands through). Maybe she should just weave a nice winter scarf for mama bear and leave it outside the tent.
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