Monday, Labor Day, 8:30 AM. 63 degrees, wind NE, calm. The channel is lightly wrinkled and hazy. The sky is mostly sunny and the barometer trends down, predicting partly cloudy skies.
The pears are ripening, the tree pictured is in the Bonney yard on Ninth and Manypenny. Erickson’s Orchard now has pears. The red oak acorns are ripening also, and it looks like a good harvest for deer, squirrels and grouse. Red oak acorns are not edible for humans, but white oak acorns are, and were much used by the Indians.
I just finished re-reading Ayn Rand’s classic, “Atlas Shrugged,” a fitting novel for the holiday, with its celebration of free enterprise, free people and the dignity of work. Now it’s on to David McCullough’s “1776” and his account of the Revolution (his “John Adams” was a wonderful read!)
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