Tuesday, 8:15 AM. Wind W, calm. The channel is sparkling in the morning sun, the skies are mostly blue and the barometer predicts sunshine.
The sun has started its long return journey north (figuratively speaking) and although the winter is full ahead of us, the days will be lengthening and we will have many beautiful winter days such as this.
The ice on lower Chequamegon Bay is now barely visible looking south from the higher ground of Ninth Street, and I am sure is visible from many hilltops. It will however be weeks or longer before the current-driven waters of the islands channels are frozen.
I have been thinking about the little green aliens supposedly stored with their crashed spacecraft in an air force hanger in Roswell, New Mexico. I don’t know if we shall ever evolve into chlorophyllized beings, but I am pretty certain mankind is destined to be little. I find that everything is being miniaturized to the point that anyone with hands and fingers larger than those of a small child will soon be unable to survive and reproduce in this 21st Century technological age, and tiny will become the norm. Viz.,I am almost unable to change a camera battery or even turn it off and on now because the components have all been miniaturized beyond my ability to manipulate them, and sometimes even to see them unless held at arms length. Of course, my difficulties may primarily be a function of the aging process, but I prefer the former theory.
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