Saturday, 8:00 AM. 28.5 degrees, wind ENE, blustery. The channel is roiled, the sky overcast but the barometer predicts clearing skies. However, the wind is just now shifting to the S, and big flakes have begun to fall.
We have had a tough bout of winter weather, the roads are icy and snow banks are piled high. Joan and I went to Explorer’s Point Restaurant outside Ashland late yesterday afternoon for their Christmas Buffet. It was very good and not expensive. The long recession has brought restaurant prices down, but that in turn has stressed many businesses.
I received an unexpected Christmas present; the city plow comes around the corner and usually shoves huge drifts of road snow into the end of my driveway. Yesterday the driver must have thought better of it, and plowed it out. I do believe I heard a HO! HO! HO! and the jingle of bells, and it wasn’t from my rooftop. Now that's stress relief!
With the succession of storms the birds have been very busy at the feeders, but I don’t think they are overly stressed because it has not been very cold. With all the shoveling I have been doing combined with the Holidays, I have probably doubled my caloric intake of late. I don’t think I am very stressed either, but am a bit stiff and sore.
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