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Sunday, February 8, 2015


Sunday, 8:30 AM. 19 degrees F, wind NE with strong gusts.  The sky has a moderately low overcast and ice pellets are falling.  The humidity is 90% and the barometer has started to rise, now standing at 30.01".
   The first thing that I noticed this morning was what I will call the "boat music," a constant low humming and thrumming emanating from the downtown area and climbing the hills on the constant northeast wind.  One does not hear it often but it is particularly loud this morning.  It is caused by the wind rushing through the rigging of the boats stored at the City Marina for the winter. It sounds almost as though some mad musician is drawing a bow across a giant bass viol.
   Yesterday late morning we went out to Star Route and Butterfield Road to watch some snipets of Bayfield's sled dog races, which did not disappoint.  Many spectators watch at the road crossing, where there is usually a lot of action, but it is perfectly feasible to watch from the comfort of one's vehicle when parked on Star Route and facing east (the direction the racers come from along a portion of the trail that parallels the road).  It was a little warm for the dogs but snow conditions were good and everyone seemed to be making very good time.

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