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Tuesday, February 10, 2015



Tuesday, 7:30 AM,  25 degrees F, wind SSE, light with stronger gusts.  The sky is mostly filled with low clouds.The humidity is 89% and the barometer is falling rapidly, now at 30.27".
   We have a trip to Duluth today, for a post-operative check of Joan's eyes.  We are likely to run into heavy snow on the way home this afternoon.
   If no one else will initiate the following proposal, I will:
   Mr. President, it's time for you to resign.  A majority of the American people no longer trust your judgement or your character.  You have been the Great Divider, pitting class against class, race against race, religion against religion, creating chasms out of cracks, and mountains out of molehills.  You have apologized to the world for our proud history and our self-evident accomplishments, and created a new and uncharacteristic national policy, that of "leading from behind."You did not grow up in America, and are not attuned to the national character.
   Your remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, dredging up things that happened a thousand years ago in Christian history and equating that history with modern Jihadi terrorism, was the absolute limit.
   When you resign you can find an Ivory Tower to reside in that will be glad to have you and your like-minded associates. You will be much happier there, I am sure, than in this very messy and very real world.
   President Nixon resigned over Watergate, a bungled, two-bit burglary that had no lasting effect on the  body politic or our history, once it's shock effect wore off. He did it for the good of the country.  How much better would it be for you to relinquish your awesome power to those more attuned to its proper uses.
   When you resign you will go down in history as a heroic and principled figure.  Maintaining your present course will gain you little more than a tragicomic footnote in the history books.
   Do us all a great favor, and resign.  The country cannot afford two more years of your flagrant, diffident  misrule.

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