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Thursday, February 19, 2015





Thursday, 10:00 AM. -8 degrees F, up from much colder (-13) during the night.  Wind N, light with stronger gusts.  The sky is clear...last night's stars were beautiful.  The humidity is still 72%.  The barometer is beginning to fall, and presently stands at 30.49".
   The below-zero cold has pretty much brought at least our own Bayfield neighborhood activity to a screeching halt.  Not much is happening on the streets, with little or no traffic and we are not seeing the usual dog walkers.  Folks are either inside or have left for warmer climes.
   I have not as yet bothered to put Buddy's red winter jacket on him,  as he evidences little interest in being outside except for a few necessary,  and very short, trips.
   Another dangerous explosion and fire involving rail transport of oil has just occurred, this time in West Virginia.  Luckily, no lives were lost.  We are running out of mathematical chances, and the next accident is likely to lead to loss of life akin to the disaster which occurred in Canada last year that took 47 lives.
   Transporting oil by pipeline is much safer and far more dependable than by rail.  The Keystone XL Pipeline is a no-brainer for the transport of oil not only from Canada to to our Gulf refineries but for transporting the glut of domestic oil now produced in the Dakotas and other Midwestern and Western states.
   The President and the Democrats in the Senate who are slowing down, blocking or vetoing the pipeline will be directly responsible for those American lives unnecessarily lost in future rail mishaps that could have been prevented by completing the Keystone XL Pipeline.
  Build it!

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