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Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Wednesday, 8:30 AM. Temp 15 degrees, wind E, calm. Barometer down, predicting sow. The skies are covered with high clouds, the sun obscured. A half-inch of light snow fell last night, making everything pretty again but treacherous under foot. I neglected to put my Yak Traks on, so had to walk on eggs. Made it O.K. back to the drive way, whereupon I took a tumble. I was none the worse for wear except for embarrassment. Lucky had no trouble, proving once-again that four legs are superior to two for locomotion, and that the superior intelligence supposedly accompanying upright posture does little good if unused.
A large flock (24) of crows seems to be taking up residence in the big white pines on the corner of 9th and Old Military Road, and a large one greeted me on the back porch.
Good friend and noted naturalist Andy Larsen emailed me with his opinion that the pussy willow I mentioned several days ago is probably the native Salix discolor, rather than the non-native Salix caprea, and on further examination I believe he is correct.
Now I will have to lay in wait to catch him in error and even the score.

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