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Thursday, March 13, 2008


Thursday, 8:15 AM. 27 degrees, barometer predicts precipitation. Wind E, calm. Skies overcast, fog envelops the Island.
Surprise!! 3.5” of heavy, wet, March snow fell last night. Not the usual, fluffy lake effect stuff. I was thankful we didn’t get a foot and a half like our daughter in Columbus, Ohio got last weekend. Anyway, it’s all taken care of.
I received a little gift last night for some services rendered to the Bayfield Regional Conservancy. It is a magnetic bumper sticker, which reads:
“Dear Lord, help me to be the person my dog thinks I am.”
Very appropriate in these scandalous times, I must say. I have a busy day ahead, with a noon meeting and then getting the house in shape for guests Andy and Judy Larsen who will be staying a few nights while the get their camp in shape for maple sugarin’. There are lots of fun times ahead!

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