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Monday, March 31, 2008


Sunday, 8:30 AM. 20 degrees, wind ENE, calm to moderate. Barometer down, predicting precipitation. Skies overcast and we have a winter storm warning in effect. The Blog has been down. No church today as the heat is out.
Yesterday I made a few casts at the mouth of the Sioux to celebrate the opening of the early stream fishing season. There were rumors of fish but I saw none, it is early. Lucky almost went crazy when two ice fishermen decided to walk their tent across the ice a ways. It was a sight to see, four feet under the big square tent, shuffling and bobbing along the ice near the mouth of the river. Lucky probably thought it was a very large bear.
The sap didn’t run much yesterday, it did not get cold enough Saturday night. That may been the case today, although it at least got below freezing last night.
I didn’t think snow shoes would be needed anymore and just put on rubber knee boots and suffered for it, punching through the snow over my knees every second or third step. I tipped over once and it was like falling out of a boat and having to swim to shore .Jim’s snowmobile was still able to navigate, thankfully, and we managed to collect about 20 gallons of sap. Andy is busy boiling down sap and the syrup produced thus far is excellent.
Without Jim and Mike and the snowmobile we two old guys would be dead in the water (or in the snow to be more precise). Which reminds me of something I heard the other day, “Inside every old person is a young person…wondering what the hell happened.”

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