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Tuesday, March 18, 2008


8:15 AM, 25 degrees, wind SSE, calm. Barometer predicts precipitation. It is snowing lightly, very fine flakes, and I just shoveled 3” of wet snow from driveway, walks and decks.
It is an extremely picturesque morning, the trees adorned with several inches of fresh snow, which, if disturbed by a gust of wind or by its own weight cascades down in great puffs of white, sometimes causing a chain reaction which goes on laterally as well as downward. It is a good day to keep one’s hood up if in the woods, or the wet stuff will find its way down the back of your neck. There is currently a white out, which obscures the island and most else. Any ice fishermen venturing out will need a compass or their GPS.
Andy predicts that with such a low pressure weather system the sap will flow well if the temperature is above freezing. If he is right I will help haul sap this afternoon.

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