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Friday, March 7, 2008


Friday, 8:00 AM. –10 degrees, wind NW, light. Barometer predicts sunny skies. Skies clear at present except for a few puffy white clouds on the east horizon. It was –17 at first light. It really wasn’t too bad walking this morning, as long as ears, mouth and nose were covered. I find almost any temperature O.K. for walking as long as dressed properly and with a scarf about the nose and mouth to warm the air before it is breathed in.
How cold was it? So cold that I saw what appeared to be a very large red squirrel in a tree, but on closer inspection saw it was a gray squirrel in red flannel underwear! How cold was it? So cold that when an ice fisherman augered a hole in the ice it froze over so fast his auger got frozen in before he could pull it out. How cold was it? So cold that when Lucky barked it froze, and it couldn’t be heard until I brought it in the house and thawed it out. O.K., enough of that.
Actually, it seems warmer this morning than last, since it is much less humid. It certainly didn’t bother lucky, and I have to say, it is a very pretty day.

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