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Monday, March 17, 2008


Monday, 7:30 AM. 18 degrees, barometer predicts precipitation. Wind NE, calm. Skies overcast. It is cold and damp and feels like snow.
This doesn’t look like a day during which the sap will run, but there are a lot more trees to tap so I will go and help Andy with that this morning. It was a busy social weekend, spending Friday and Saturday evenings with Andy and Judy, and Sunday evening at Eric and Nancy’s with neighbors Don and Heidi. Lots of hunting and fishing tales and jokes, and of course it was Palm Sunday with its activities thrown into the mix. And, today is St. Patrick’s Day, and we will have to raise a glass to our Irish friends, some still with us, some long gone (an extra glass to them).
We have heard rumors of bears, another sign of spring, so will have to consider taking the garbage can of sun flower seeds off the deck and putting them in the shed. Several years ago we had a rather exciting visit and probably should not encourage another.

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