Sunday, 10:00 AM. 56.5 degrees, wind W, ligHt. It was 46 degrees at 7:00 AM. The sky is cloudless at present but the barometer predicts partly cloudy skies.
We went to the Sioux beach earlier and made a few casts at the mouth of the river. There were several boats trolling and one angler in the water. I don’t think the fish are running yet but it is about time.
This hawk was sitting on a branch overlooking Hwy 13, watching for rodents. I think it is an immature broadwing but I am not a good enough to identify it.
Late afternoon yesterday we stopped in at the Larsen camp. Daughter Libby and grandsons Tyler and Luke were up for the weekend. It was chilly sitting outside so we all went in the teepee, where a small fire kept us snug and warm. A real tepee such as this is a marvelous structure; simple, mobile and uniquely adapted to its environment. Flaps can be opened for ventilation or closed for warmth. The small opening high up is a chimney without pipes, and draws the smoke upward. And best of all, no mortgage.
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