Thursday, 7:00 AM. 48 degrees, wind W, light with stronger gusts. It has rained .8” since yesterday afternoon and the barometer predicts more.
We tested Andy’s skills as camp cook yesterday evening by preparing the last wild goose from our freezer over an open fire. He fashioned a wire basket for it and hung it from a tripod over the hot coals. It was stuffed with apples and onions and basted with white wine, melted butter, onions and garlic. We cooked and ate in the tepee. Judy supervised to be sure we guys didn’t ruin dinner, and Joan made dressing and a pineapple upside down cake which we brought from home. The meal was excellent although some of the goose was a little tough. The dogs also ate well.
It took some time to do all the cooking so it was a long and relaxing evening (I didn’t contribute much, I am afraid, except the goose). As the campfire died down we discussed rumors of a black panther in the area, a not unbelievable tale, considering that sightings of normally colored cougars are not that rare.
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