Thursday, 8:00 AM. Wind NE, with strong gusts. The sky is mostly overcast and the barometer predicts rain. The old-timers say a noreaster will last three days.
Yesterday evening we saw four turkeys on old Hwy K (they flew before I could get the camera up). This means that turkeys have repopulated Wisconsin from the first time I saw them in the wild near Cedarburg forty and more years ago. In the same period of time sandhill cranes have gone from rare to common, wolves from extirpated in Wisconsin to numerous, and the compass plant from rare to common in its prairie habitat. Aldo Leopold would, I think, be pleased and amazed. We don’t give ourselves enough credit for the progress we have made.
We stopped to take these photos of the bear hunters’ camp on Hwy 13 and a young guy with a beer in hand walked over and when Joan told him we were taking pictures for my blog he invited u s in for beer and dinner. We reluctantly refused as our own dinner was n the oven, but he reminded us of the bear hunters’ dinner at the Northern Edge restaurant on Saturday, free and open to the public. We will go, and report on the quality of the cuisine on Sunday.
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