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Monday, May 2, 2011


Monday, 8:30 AM.  31 degrees, wind WNW, light.  The sky is overcast and there are a few desultory snow  flakes drifting lazily down.  The barometer again predicts precipitation.
    Regardless of the  unpalatable weather, we have to count this as a glorious spring day with bin Laden, that festering thorn, excised yesterday by our special forces.  Most of us will never forget where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news of the attacks on sep. 11, 2001.  I was fishing on Pike’s Creek, and got home just in time to see the second plane hit, and all Joan and I could think about was how we would be mourning our neighbors if we still lived in New York, and of course we did mourn them, even if they were no longer neighbors and we didn’t now know their names. And our daughter Eva calling from Denver that morning, asking where I was, worried, as I still made occasional trips to New York back then. I remembered the times I had been in the world trade center on business and felt the towers sway perceptibly beneath my feet in a strong wind, and how a pilot would often take an airliner up the Hudson when approaching La Guardia, so close to the towers you could almost look in the office windows, and how beautiful they were reflecting the orange-golden glow of the setting sun.  I don’t like to use the word revenge, as I was taught as a child that vengeance belongs to God.  But justice was certainly done yesterday in Pakistan.  Now, let’s move on!

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