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Wednesday, May 25, 2011





Wednesday, 8:00 AM.  49 degrees, wind NNE, calm. The sky is mostly blue, the sun warm and bright, and the barometer down a bit but steady.  It is a fine day.
    The wild plum, Prunus americana, is blooming in hedgerows and woods edges.  It is very prominent and pretty in flower, and bears edible plums.  It tends to be a large, spreading shrub so is not much used in the landscape, but in fruit and flower it is as worthwhile as any domesticated fruit tree, in my opinion.
    The forget-me-not is common to wet places and roadside ditches and in gardens. The diminutive, bright blue flowers with bright yellow centers are always welcome, if somewhat weedy.  The genus Myosotis has numerous species, only a few of them native, so most of what we see are escaped garden introductions.   Sometime I may try to key some of them out, but not today.
   Speaking of forget-me-nots,  former president Bill Clinton seems to be everywhere again, campaigning and speechifying, and of course Hillary is prominent as Secretary of State.  I sometimes feel like I am having a flashback to the Nineties. All this arthritic activity makes me yearn for other old times, and I wonder if the Bush dynasty should not be resurected.  Jeb Bush was an effective and popular governor, is young and articulate and certainly knows the intricacies of American and world power and politics.  As long as the geriatric Clintons are still with us, why not a resurrection of the Bush dynasty?  Regardless of what one thinks of their politics, they have proven themselves to be honorable and able public servants. We could do a lot worse than a Bush 45.

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