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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

5/12/11 ANTIQUES




Thursday,7:30 AM. 54 degrees, wind variable, crrently from the W, strong.  The northern half of the sky is clear, the southern half black.  Whether we get a storm or not will depend on which way the wind blows.
    Today we will be very busy planting the city trees that are stored in the driveway, and then setting up the Pavilion for tomorrow’s Bayfield in Bloom kickoff and Garden Talk radio show (11:00 AM to 12:30 PM).  Most Wisconsin public radio stations will carry the radio show live, so tune in if you can, it is always fun and interesting.  The show also streams live on computer.
     Yesterday afternoon we had a female red breasted grosbeak come to the suet feeder. It stayed quite a while and was qite unafraid.  We haven’t seen the red breasted male yet, and may not, since we have taken the other feeders down due to the bears. Yesterday at dusk we drove the back roads.  Surprisingly, we saw no wildlife,  but spring peeper frogs raised an almost deafening chorus in every marsh and backwater we encountered.
    We had a rain shower yesterday afternoon and I took the opportunity to get a haircut at Oly’s Barbershop, just relocated to Rittenhouse Avenue, which, as you may remember, is Bayfield’s Main Street.  It is Oly’s rendition of an old-fashioned barber shop and he is justifiably proud of his two restored antique barber chairs.  All the brass fixtures shine, and the seats have new leather over the original horsehair stuffing, and are very comfortable.  Antique barber, antique chairs, antique cash register, antique customer.  Pretty authentic!
    And if we don’t start seriously drilling for oil and gas in our own environs pretty soon, we will all be back in the 1890’s, hitching our buggies in front of Oly ‘s Barbershop.

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