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Monday, May 30, 2011





Monday, Memorial Day, 8:30 AM.  51 degrees, wind NE, light with stronger gusts.  It is a rainy morning, and the thunder, which had been continuous earlier, is  subsiding at present.  The barometer predicts more rain, but Bayfield has no parade scheduled  to be rained upon, so we will settle in with our books for the duration.  I still haven’t found the rain gage, but a half inch must have fallen so far, judging from the amount in the bird bath.
    The apple trees in the orchards are blooming, at least the early varieties, and it is a pleasant sight.  However, older trees that are heavily pruned to produce larger apples are not very floriferous.
    Thickets of wild plum, some very large, now are obvious along roads and woods edges as they bloom.  At first blush the flowers are a creamy color, distinguishing them even at a great distance from cherries and other shrubs.
    It being memorial day, our annual day of remembrance of our brothers and sisters who have given their lives that we may live in freedom, I should write something stirring and patriotic, but all I can muster is what I just wrote, and actually that seems to be enough for me.  Remember them!
    I am constantly mystified by the internet, I don’t really know how it works, and I don’t really know why I write this blog, or why anyone reads it (I am amazed that I am getting over 3,000 page views a month, and to tell the truth I am not entirely sure what that means either).  I know people from around the world surf the internet, looking for who knows what, and for perhaps the last six months or more I have had a steady 5 “hits” every week from Iran.  I can’t imagine who in Iran would read this blog, or why.  But I read that the Iranian government is shutting down the international internet to keep foreign cultural influences from corrupting its people.  I don’t even know how they would do that!  Anyway, the only thing corrupting I can think of about my blog is that Iranian readers might get the idea that some insignificant person in a small town in the outback of America has the freedom to make small talk at will, and voice mostly irrelevant thoughts about nature and life and politics.  I guess it comes down to the fact that freedom is a dangerous and revolutionary concept, so much so that those who enjoy it, and those who aspire to it, will scarify their lives for it.  Let us remember that today as well.

1 comment:

  1. The Internet is a real wonder. If you use it for the right reasons. You can really connect with people that wouldn't otherwise write a old fashion letter or call. You can connect with people of the same interests and make new friends. They say it creates a disconnnect but I have never seen that. You can sell about anything you want on Ebay. Manage your portfolio and earn a living on it. Travel via live cams when you can't do it in person. And yes read blogs and newspapers. Sometimes blogs are entertaining even if you live on the otherside of the world. I read Brit Blogs and love to hear what they think about us. We of course aren't always correct in our thinking even if we think we are so. But it's all entertaining and that is the point. A government can just pull the plug on Internet servers and shut them down. I often wonder if they are listening and reading our messages. Patriot Act and all we voted for!
