Tuesday, 7:45 AM. 28 degrees but warming rapidly with the rising sun. Wind S, light. The sky is almost cloudless but the barometer is still down. It is trying to be a nice spring day. Which reminds me of the little boy who brought home his first report card, which said, "Trying." And then the second report card, which said, "Very trying."
Our local and very well known perennial growers, Hauser’s Orchard and Nursery, who also are major apple growers, had their annual “Red Barn Sale” yesterday and we tried to get in the mood but all I ended up buying was a flat of pansies, which will be planted out shortly. It occurs to me I haven’t even turned the water on yet! Anyway, the sun was nice and warm on my back as we took our walk this morning, and this reluctant spring will hopefully make the daffodils last for our big Bayfield in Bloom opening event on Friday, May 13. Most springs the daffodils are done blooming by then and visitors are disappointed that they missed them.
I don’t know about you, but I have seen enough of the celebrations of bin Laden’s demise. Satisfaction in a job well done is good enough for me, and too much joy in any body’s death is unseemly, and lowers us to the moral plane of our enemies.
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