Wednesday, 7:30 AM. 64 degrees, wind W, very light. The sky is overcast with high gray clouds. The barometer predicts partly cloudy weather but it feels like rain and there have been some distant thunder claps in the west.
We went to Duluth yesterday and Hwy 2 east of Superior is lined with sweet Cicely, very fragrant, but I think a different species from ours locally as it is in full bloom and ours is over.
The blueberries are ripening and hang by the millions (the numbers must approach that of the national debt) on the berry farm bushes. It should be a bumper crop if the bears are kept out! The blackberry bushes at the Larsen’s camp are equally laden, and the apples are already bending some of the branches to the ground.
Summertime, and the livin’ is, if not easy, certainly bounteous.
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