Wednesday, 8:00 AM. 69 degrees, wind NW, moderate with stronger gusts. The sky is clear, the channel looks a bit rough, and the barometer predicts sunshine.
I have been impressed for a long time by the appearance of a simple roadside “weed,” the goat’s beard, Tragopogon dubium. It is rather dandelion in appearance, yellow flowered with a round seed head. It is a weed only in the respect that it is not planted for any reason, and I find it not invasive, indeed not very plentiful.
What impresses me is the perfect symmetry of its seed head. It is geometrically and esthetically perfect. It personifies the perfection of nature, and if you please, “and of nature’s God.” In either case, it is worthy of our sincerest admiration.
I have often wondered if anything eats the false Solomon’s seal berries. Bears do, as evidenced by their presence in bear scat deposited on the corner of 9th and Wilson last night.
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