Tuesday, 7:15 AM. 66.5 degrees, wind NW, calm. The sky is partly cloudy and it has been raining very lightly. There is some ground fog. The barometer is trending up and predicts partly cloudy skies.
The birds and chipmunks are all competing for the ripening Juneberries. I have given up. I think the tree in the garden is Amelanchier interior, native to or area.
The mulberry on the road is probably a hybrid between the native red mulberry and the Asian black mulberry, as near as I can determine. It has delicious fruits which ripen over a period of several weeks, and I usually pick enough for breakfast cereal or maybe a pie. Mulberries used to be common around farmhouses as they bear copiously. Because they bear fruit so heavily they can be weedy, but they are interesting and useful trees.
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