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Sunday, December 19, 2010




Sunday. 9:00 AM.  17 degrees, wind WSW, calm.  The sky is overcast and there is lake smoke out over the Apostles, but the barometer predicts sunny skies.
    Lucky and I had not been to the beach since well before deer season, so we went for an early morning walk.  The beach sand is not frozen in most places (not wet enough) and with only an inch or two of snow on top it felt like walking on summer sand. In the beach grass the snow has accumulated to 12 or 18 inches. The ice is beginning to form long peninsulas which reach out into the water, but  there is so much wave and current action here that it will be weeks or more until there is much ice.  The Sioux River is pretty much frozen but the mouth is not.  With only a couple of days remaining before the winter solstice the  cold-looking sun is almost at its furthest point south, and it is rather disconcerting to see it seeming to rise over Ashland, when at the summer solstice it seems to rise over Basswood Island.  Lucky  appreciated wearing his new coat this morning, and ran around like a pup, his spaniel ears flapping as though ready for takeoff.
    I’ve been having a tough time building a fire in the fireplace of late, the last load of firewood being wet at least, and probably somewhat green as well.  I have resorted to splitting the wood into stove size sticks, and with that we had a nice fire last night.  My usual wood source has rather let me down.

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