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Friday, May 14, 2010

5/14/10 WHEW!

Friday, 6:15 AM. 41 degrees, wind W, moderate with stronger gusts. It has been raining off and on, another .5”, and everything is wet. The sky is overcast but the sun is trying to peek through. The barometer predicts more rain and it looks like it will be a damp day for our Arbor Day tree planting at the library, and the Bayfield in Bloom kickoff and Garden Talk Radio Show.
It will be a busy day, continuing on Into the afternoon and evening, with Jean Ferraca’s “Here On Earth” radio show broadcasting in the afternoon, and afterwards she will have a signing of her new book, “Life, Death and the Radio.” To top things off, the Chamber of Commerce will hold it’s monthly After Hours social gathering at the Wild Rice restaurant this evening.
We also have a landscape job for the crew to finish up which needs some supervision, and they will also start planting City trees. Whew!

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