Thursday, 7:30 AM. 61 degrees and rapidly rising, wind W, light to calm. The sky is virtually cloudless and the barometer predicts sunny skies. Last evening's full moon sky was beautiful.
The red-osier dogwood (Corns stolonifera) is in bloom. It can be an attractive shrub in all seasons, even in winter with its colorful stems. It is a plant of wet or damp places and good for naturalizing, although as its species name implies, it spreads and should be used with some caution.
The false Solomon’s seal is now in full bloom, flowers changed from yellow to white. The June bugs are right on time, as are the monarch and viceroy butterflies.
We have large evergreens arriving today right on time also) for a job just out of town on the lake and we will be busy with a challenging installation for a few days.
It seems all of nature is right on time.
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