Wednesday, 8:15 AM. 35 degrees, wind W, light to moderate. The sky is partly cloudy and the barometer predicts the same. It has been cool and cloudy enough that the snow cover in orchard country has not melted.
There was a huge flock of migrating geese far out on the waters of Chequamegon Bay off the power plant in Ashland yesterday. At least several hundred birds in the flock.
This very large paper wasps' nest is in a tree overhanging a roof on 11th St. just south of Wilson Ave. The wasps die off in cold weather, so the nest is no longer active and will not be reused (safe to bring in and hang from the family room ceiling). The queens over-winter in protected places and start new colonies in the spring. I wonder how many people have noticed this amazing example of Nature’s art.
Since it is my birthday I am going to spend the day however I like, maybe reading in front of the fire, and possibly looking for a grouse with Lucky if it is a nice afternoon. I am reminded today of the old guy in the nursing home, who said, "If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself."
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