Tuesday, 8:30 AM. 47.5 degrees, wind W, light. The sky is mostly cloudless but there is heavy fog over the channel and Madeline. The barometer is up, predicting partly cloudy skies.
The American smoke tree, Cotinus coggygria, is planted for its filmy flower and seed heads, but it also has very distinctive fall color. There are many horticultural selections on the market, some with purple summer leaves. It is native to a very restricted range in the American Mid-and Southwest, and it begs the question of what is “native” and what is not.
The red maple shown here normally has a brilliant red fall color; this year it is a clear yellow, as are many of the red maples.
Neighbor Sherman reported three bears in his backyard at 6:00 AM Sunday, one a very small cub. He did not see Goldilocks.
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