Saturday, 7:00 AM. 47 degrees, wind NE, strong enough to blow the hat off my head. The sky is dark and overcast and the barometer is down, predicting rain. Looks like we may get a ‘Noreaster.
Our tree job went well but still has some work to do on Monday or when weather permits. The objective was to thin out a small grove of aspen (Populous tremuloides) which had become overgrown. Aspens and other poplars are pretty but very weak wooded, short lived and prone to disease. They need to be controlled so they do not become a problem in the landscape.
Local photographer Grandon Harris’ exhibition opened with a reception yesterday evening at the Big Water Café, which was very well attended. Grandon’s exhibition photos are primarily of Bayfield scenes and people, but he has photographed extensively throughout the country. Grandon and wife Dot are very active volunteers, and he is a valued member of the Tree Board as well.
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