Wednesday, 7:15 AM. 46 degrees, wind W, with strong gusts. The sky is clear and the barometer predicts partly cloudy weather.
The red oak in the wooded lot across the street has consistently produced scarlet fall leaves, even when others have turned bronze or brown. It is a fine tree in other respects as well, and if it can be propagated could be marketed as the ‘Bayfield Red Oak.” That is how new horticultural introductions often get their start.
Joan and I are traveling to Northwoods Nursery in Rhinelander today to pick up trees for three customers. It should be a nice day to do a little truckin’.
A first in my Bayfield experience… a “homeless” man with a cardboard sign standing on the corner of Rittenhouse and Broad St. yesterday late afternoon. As a former New Yorker I am very wary of scams, but I would never see anyone go hungry. When I looked again he was gone. Signs of the times, perhaps.
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