Sunday, 10:00 AM. 48.5 degrees, wind NE, light to moderate. The sky is completely overcast, there is fog over the Islands and the barometer predicts rain. This is a pretty classic ‘Noreaster.
We left for the beach this morning as a fine mist was falling. By the time we got there it had turned to a cold, pelting rain, but we didn’t have enough sense to get in out of it. I made a few uncontrollable casts at the mouth of the Sioux while Lucky watched qizzicaly. There was a diehard fisherman on the opposite bank. We left him to his fate and came home soaked, and started a blazing fire to warm up.
Highway 13 through Red Cliff has been torn up for months but is at last finished and is considerably improved, especially for pedestrians, and the start of the new casino can now be observed. It will have a beautiful setting on Buffalo Bay. We wish the tribe success, as an economically healthy Rez is essential to Bayfield (our two communities are, as they say, “joined at the hip.”)
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