Monday, 8:30 AM. 28 degrees, wind WNW, moderate with stronger gusts. The channel is frozen over, the sky is overcast and we got 3” of icy snow yesterday and last night, but the city plow pushed the mess out of the end of the driveway, a welcome gesture. The barometer predicts more.
We have a Tree Board meeting this afternoon, the focus of which will be developing a new policy for the selection and planting of city street trees. We have gotten so much heat from homeowners about planting street trees which they imagine might someday, somehow affect their view of the water (we have been very careful about planting only small ornamental trees where a tree might impact a view) all to no avail. So we have decided to take another tack, planting trees for people who actually want them, on a first come, first served basis. The cry of “I don’t want any trees on my street, none!” is difficult to deal with, and more than one tree has been surreptitiously destroyed by such unreasonable folks, and all the environmental and esthetic benefits of street trees be damned.
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