Friday, 9:00 AM. 70 degrees, 68% humidity Wind W, light. The sky is overcast but clearing. We received .7” of rain last night, and the barometer predicts more.
The Wisconsin Nursery Association annual field day at Northwoods Nursery in Rhinelander exceeded my expectations. Joan and I were the gests of the nursery, with which I do business. There were many exhibits of all kinds relating to the “green industry,” many attendees from all across the state, and as is often the case, we saw a number of acquaintances, including a retired UW professor whom I have known for over forty years and had not seen in many. Joan has always been a partner in my profession and we both still enjoy it. It has been greatly rewarding in knowledge, experiences and friendships.
On the way back, a few miles north of Rhinelander, I spotted this osprey nest high atop a utility transmission line pole. The platform was obviously everected for the purpose (thank you, transmission line corporation) and the bird took advantage of it. I was fortunate to be able to get close enough to take this photo, before it flew off with its characteristic cry of “Kree, kree.”
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