Monday, 7:30 AM. 75 degrees, humidity 65%, wind W, light. The sky is mostly cloudy and it looks like we might get a much needed shower, but the barometer predicts sunny skies. It may be a warm and muggy day.
Andy and Judy came for a leisurely breakfast yesterday morning and we were so leisurely that we were almost late for the 11:00 AM start of Maggies 30th anniversary parade. No matter, as the parade route down Mannypenny and up Wilson was traversed three times (if the parade isn’t very long, go around again…and again). What it lacked in numbers it easily made up in color. Bayfield’s Queen and flamboyant restaurateur, Mary Rice, rode in a bathtub atop her rhinestone Cadillac; wait staff and cooks rode on a colorful float; there were walkers and bicyclists in Flamingo costumes and old cars and a good number of dogs, including Rufus the sheepdog in aviator goggles riding in Stephanie’s MG. Afterwards there was free food, drink and music. A fine time was had by everyone, townies and incredulous tourists alike all soaking up the small town nuttiness and hospitality. Happy Anniversary Maggies, and thank you once again, Mary, for all you do.
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