Saturday,8:15 AM. 70 degrees, humidity 68%, wind W, light with gusts. The sky is clear but hazy over the lake. The barometer predicts rain. We had a real thunderstorm yesterday evening that left 1.75 “ of rain in the gage.
Yesterday we went to Duluth to have the cast and stitches removed from my right hand. It feels better but will take some time to return to normal.
The wild cucumber, Echinocystis lobata, in the cucumber family, is common in wet places throughout much of North America, clambering over shrubs and into trees. It seems relatively scarce in the Bayfield area. It is a pretty thing, with tall spikes of white flowers and lime green, deeply lobed leaves. The fruit at maturity looks like a see-through pickle, warts and all. It can make a nice arbor plant but could be weedy, although it is an annual and that diminishes its weed potential.
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