Tuesday, 8:00 AM. 54.5 degrees, 39% humidity. The wind is variable, NW to SW. The sky is cloudless and the barometer predicts the same.
Joan and I have been wondering for some time where the great blue heron (or perhaps more than one) that habituates the marsh on Hwy 2 outside of Ashland has gone. We have often seen one in the same spot for years. The mystery is solved; he (or they) have merely crossed the road to the lake shore. Why? Both lake shoreline and marsh have silted quite a bit, the lake shore now sprouting rushes and other emergent aquatic vegetation. Conversely, the marsh has become shallower, more shrubby and with less open water. Great blue herons have a rather specific depth, about knee deep, that they fish at, according to my observations. Their legs have evolved to to the length appropriate for the specific water depth that their primary prey inhabit. So the heron moved across the road to better conditions for breakfast.
My better conditions for breakfast include Judy’s freshly baked black raspberry pie, a small decadence I shall not deny myself (but no ice cream).
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