Tuesday, 7:30 AM. 68 degrees and humid. Wind W, light. The sky is overcast and the barometer predicts rain.
Old friends Tom and Barb arrived last evening for a stay. Old folks like us easily entertain themselves so the weather will be no problem. Yesterday evening just outside of Prentice they saw a large cat with a long tail slink across the road less than a few hundred feet away. Had to be a cougar.
The mushroom that looks lke a brown puffball is growing on Tenth and Wilson and I have seen a few others around. I am not sure what it is at this point but will try to identify it.
The shrub with the hollyhock-like flowers is the old fashioned rose-a-Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus, (both in the mallow famly) also growing on Tenth and Wilson.
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