Sunday, 8:00 AM. 68 degrees, humidity 50%, wind W, light. The sky is cloudless with some haze and the barometer predicts partly cloudy skies.
Many American garden plants are native species or their horticultural derivatives. These have found their way to European gardens as well. The trade went both ways across the ocean.
Three such native plants are: Joe Pye weed, Eupatorium maculatum, a strong perennial much used in Native American and American folk medicine (named for a Native American healer); purple coneflower, Echinaceae purpureum, an important immune system stimulant, both in herbal medicine and modern pharmacology; and tall, or woodland phlox, Phlox divaricata.
One does not have to do a prairie or wetland restoration to use native plants, they are easily incorporated into the perennial garden.
Maggies restaurant is having a big parade and free food and drink today to celebrate its 30th anniversary, and Andy and Judy are coming to breakfast and then we will watch the parade and whatever. It will doubtless be a lot of small town, hokey fun.
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