Thursday, 7:20 AM. 52.5 degrees, wind W, calm. The sky is cloudless and the barometer predicts partly cloudy weather. A “perfect ten” day.”
Tom and I went fishing yesterday afternoon off the dock at Washburn, and on the first cast Tom hooked a big smallmouth bass. I netted it just as Barb and Joan drove up to join us. They heaped praise upon us as mighty fishermen able to provide food for the dinner table. It weighed over four pounds and was 21” long, a fishy football. Something told me this was too good to be true, so I checked the Lake Superior regulations. Sure enough, the legal minimum size for smallmouth bass is 22.” So back to the bay he went, where anxious friends about the same size rose in the clear icy waters to greet him. I have a theory, confirmed personally many times over, that almost any fish caught in the lake or its tributaries will be at least 1” short of the DNR’s regulation size. We had pork chops for dinner.
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